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What does AvidXchange do?
AvidXchange provides accounts payable (“AP”) automation software and payment solutions for middle market businesses and their suppliers. The Company’s cloud-based, software and payment platform digitizes and automates the AP workflow for middle market businesses (AvidXchange’s “buyer” customers), and their service providers and vendors (AvidXchange’s “supplier” customers). The Company provides solutions and services throughout North America spanning multiple industries including real estate, homeowners associations (“HOA”), construction, financial services (including banks and credit unions), healthcare facilities, social services, education, and media.
When did AvidXchange become a publicly traded company?
AvidXchange became a public company on October 13, 2021.
What exchange does AvidXchange trade on and what is the company's ticker symbol?
AvidXchange stock is traded on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol "AVDX"
Where are AvidXchange's headquarters?
AvidXchange's headquarters are located at 1210 AvidXchange Lane, Charlotte, NC 28206
How long has AvidXchange been in business and where is it incorporated?
AvidXchange was formed in 2000 and is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
Who is AvidXchange's transfer agent and how do I contact them?
AvidXchange's transfer agent is Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc. The transfer agent and registrar’s address is Broadridge Corporate Issuer Solutions, Inc., PO Box 1342, Brentwood, NY 11717.
How can one purchase AvidXchange's common stock?
AvidXchange common stock can be purchased on the open market through any registered broker.
Does AvidXchange issue a dividend?
AvidXchange currently does not pay a dividend
How do I change my address on my AvidXchange stock certificate or change title on my stock certificate?
All questions regarding ownership of AvidXchange stock should be addressed to the appropriate transfer agent: Broadridge Financial Solutions Inc
How can I get AvidXchange financial documents?
When are AvidXchange fiscal quarters?
The AvidXchange fiscal year will run on a calendar year with quarters ending on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
Who are AvidXchange's independent accountants?
AvidXchange's independent accountant is PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.
Who are the members of AvidXchange's Board of Directors?
Please view a full list of AvidXchange's Board of Directors here.
How many employees does AvidXchange have?
Please refer to the SEC's website for an online version of latest filings that include AvidXchange’s employee headcount.
How can I get on a distribution list to receive information about the company?
Please fill the email alerts form to receive information about the company here.
How can I contact AvidXchange?
Please submit a form to Contact AvidXchange here.